Bats along the River Crane

Monday 16 May 2016
20:15 to 21:45

The event this evening will lead you in the search for bats. Alison has extensively surveyed bats along the River Crane and will guide you along the river locating identifying our local bat population.  Come and catch a glimpse of a Pipistrelle which feed regularly along the river, and maybe even hear a Daubenton bat.


Equipment is provided but please wear sturdy footwear, evening attire and bring along a torch as it will be dark at the end of the walk.  Booking is essential here.


This walk is part of a joint project between London Wildlife Trust and the Friends of the River Crane Environment to increase the knowledge and understanding of the River Crane and its wildlife and history. It has been funded by Richmond Civic Pride Awards.The walk will be led by Alison Fure of Furefen Ecological Consultancy.

Shot Tower beside Crane Park
(view map)
Cost Free but booking is essential above