Volunteer in Crane Park mammal survey

Sunday 26 August 2018
08:30 to 10:30

ev mammal survey Aug 2018

FORCE is conducting a mammal survey in Crane Park with expert Alison Fure.  Volunteers are requested to help set up 30 traps for the mammals, which are felt squares under which the animls may hide, or deposit items.  Later in the weekend we then check the traps for signs of anminal feeding and skat.  Alison will give a training and information on how to do this.


This survey will help FORCE understand what mammal life ilves in Crane Park and help us all learn a new skill.  Volunteers are needed on Friday 24 August, Sunday morning and early evening, and Monday 27th 8.30am so if you can help with any of these sessions please email info@force.org.uk .  Children over 7/8 years old are welcome, but no dogs. Booking is essential.


All details are in this explanatory letter and poster.  Your help is greatly apprecaited and your children can learn a new skill for 'Show & Tell' back at school !

Contact Frances
Crane Park, beside the bridge near Mill Road entrance (the junction with entrance / exit to Lincoln Road)
(view map)
Cost No cost attached but booking is essential.