VolunteersVolunteering with FORCE and our partners provides a variety of practical ways in which people can improve our local open spaces and help to increase public use and appreciation of the River Crane and Duke of Northumberland’s River corridors. All the activities are listed in the Events calendar, which is regularly updated with new events so keep an eye on it ! 

From October to June FORCE organises a Volunteer Sunday on the second Sunday of each month. These are in different locations with a range of activities from litter picking to tree planting to river clearing and even pulling up Himalayan Balsam. Take a photographic look at what we have achieved in the past to get a flavour of the work. 

We have regular community events of free activities on different sites in Crane Park, Richmond. These workshops give everyone the opportunity to volunteer and learn conservations skills such as hedge laying, identification of invasive plants, and pollarding. We work in partnership with The Conservation Volunteers.  

Sometimes there are wildlife surveys when volunteers set up survey locations with the guidance of an expert, and then check these over the course of a few days. The surveys assist our understanding of wildlife diversity along the Crane valley.  

A number of other organisations provide local opportunities for volunteers and FORCE works closely with these. Details of what these other organisations do and what they offer can be found below.

Links to other volunteer pages...