FORCE are a fun bunch of people who care about the local environment where they live and play. Our members are keen cyclists, ornithologists, dog walkers, environmental warriors, fishermen, football players and walkers. In fact, we come from all walks of life with lots of diverse interests and views.  The thing we have in common is our enjoyment of the green spaces of the River Crane, both wild areas and cultivated park areas.  FORCE would love you to join us in supporting the Crane whether you have an hour or two each month or more time. You can get help in a number of ways.

You can become a member and ... you can help as a volunteer in one or more of our projects ...

We are also seeking suitable persons to help with the charity.  There are a number of vacancies for volunteers to support its work across various portfolios as listed below.  One or more of these volunteer roles could also be as a Trustee. If you have any questions please email or to meet up informally to talk through the role or about any other aspect of volunteering for FORCE, please email that address and we will be very pleased to meet you, at a time and location convenient for you.

  • Trustees to help support the delivery of our portfolios:
    • Nature
    • Education
    • Community
    • Planning
    • Volunteer Sunday
    • Membership
    • Communications
    • Partnership Development
    • Chair to lead a dedicated group Trustees & FORCE as an organisation, do view the role description.
  • Co-ordinator for Volunteer Sundays activities - We are looking for help role description :
    • plan our work programme with help from Trustees and council staff
    • plan each month's workday i.e. identify the tasks & tools for the location
    • organise volunteers & team leaders on workdays.  
  • Organiser for Duke of Edinburgh Award to help our successful Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme. This person will promote to students, monitor their activities, plus help complete their assessment document.
  • Administration - a mix of activities such as posting on social media, walks, mailing members, etc. Your help, small or large would be very helpful
  • Occasional legal advice on a pro bono basis
Anyone interested in volunteering with FORCE please email and we would be very happy to meet for an initial informal discussion.