Barber Bridge
TW14 0HD
Brazil Mill Wood
In the 13th century the River Crane was altered in this locale to provide water power to mills for industrial use. Furthermore in the 16th century the upper Duke of Northumberland's River was constructed to increase water power. The Bedfont Powder Mill was built in 1635 as a sword mill but was soon converted to the manufacture of gunpowder. In 1833 Curtis and Harvey leased Bedfont Powder Mills from the Duke of Northumberland and continued to use them until 1926.
There was a second mill near Baber Bridge, described as Brazil Mill since the 18th century which processed brazil wood into a red pigment fror use as a dye. Later in the 19th century the mill became known as 'The North Feltham Cartridge Factory''.
There are the remains and remnants of these structures along the river, which is intersting to view in a short walk alongside the river.
For more information take a look ...
- Gunpowder Mill history recorded by Twickenham Museum
- Bedfont Powder Mills report and map
- Richmond Local Studies Libabry have an excellent History of the River Crane and gunpowder mills