FORCE is involved in several projects at any one time.  These vary from small scale one-off surveys to larger scale work alongside our partners.

Below are listed recent projects in which FORCE is or has been involved.  Click to see PREVIOUS PROJECTS...

Project Title
Lower Crane Valley Management Plan

FORCE is very supportive of this plan which seeks, subject to funding, large scale improvements to the biodiversity and community value of the Crane Valley.  We will work with Richmond Borough and partners to deliver this over the coming years

London Borough Richmond April 2024
Park usage Survey

FORCE conducts 2 surveys annually to ascertain how many people use the routes along the River Crane, to help direct resources for best use. This 2024 report spans 12 years of survey for Meadway, & also includes Moormead. Pleasingly since Covid the number of walkers, dogs & cyclist remains high. Additionally we surveyed Donkey Wood and Pevensey with interesting results ! The January 2025 report is here.

FORCE 2025
20 Carved benches !

Crane Valley Community funding in January 2023 enabled two new carved benches in Crane Park, bringing 20 carved benches for all to use !

 FORCE 2023
Donkey Wood habitats

Wildlife surveys and habitat improvements to the ponds at Donkey Wood were made possible by funding from the Rivers and Wetlands Community Days programme. See how the community joined in this report


2021 - 2022
Litter Monitoring Project

Litter pollution in river and marine environments is a major concern. In 2016 an exercise was started to quantify the volume of litter and understand where best efforts could be made. The last report is February 2024 with Appendices

View a presentation of the littering and approaches to tackle it by Rob Gray.

FORCE 2016 - now
Anthropological research project

Harriet Baker posited Is the River Crane making neighbourhood(s)? A fascinating insight into how the River Crane activates social connections, online and offline, and whether these could be considered neighbourhoods. Does the River impact the ways people feel about their area and the people in it?  Do visit her website to read her findings

Harriet Baker 2020 - 2021
Donkey & Brazil Mill Woods project

These two areas along the river in LB Hounslow are of great environmental and community potential but have suffered from neglect and antisocial behaviour.  In early 2020 FORCE started a community engagement project with Let's Go Outside & Learn CIC, TCV, and Habitats & Heritage to improve them, funded through the Hounslow Community Fund.  Read November 2020 progress report.

 FORCE 2020 - 2021

Lower Crane Low Flow Alleviation & Fish Pass project

A major project led by the Environment Agency to enhance the low flows downstream of Mereway Road weir by altering the flow controls between the Lower Crane and Lower Duke’s Rivers.  A 12 month test from late 2017 identified major benefits to the lower Crane in the executive main report. The weir replacement started in January 2020, with current EA progress information available. FORCE supported a new fish pass as part of the weir replacement.

Environment Agency  2017 ongoing

Citizen Crane Project

In April 2014 with ZSL, Frog Environmental, 50 volunteers monitor water quality & ecological value at 11 sites in the Crane catchment.  Volunteers in 2016 “outfall safari” walked the 30km length of the river assessing 235 surface water outfalls.  Eight were investigated by the Environment Agency. The data helped prioritise investment by Thames Water.  Project reports and data are on the Crane Valley Partnership website, including the latest December 2023.
FORCE, ZSL, Frog Environmental 2014 ongoing

Improving Access

Following a feasibility study in 2008, a review into Improving Access along the River Crane for People and Wildlife was carried out 10 years later. The results show improvements in joining up fragmented green spaces and adding value for volunteers, people and wildlife.
FORCE 2008 - 2019

FORCE Family Challenge

This Challenge aimed to encourage schools and families to engage with open spaces in the River Crane corridor, supported by Richmond Civic Pride and Heathrow Community Fund.  
Under Working with Schools children prepared posters for Moormead Park and joined community activities.
FORCE 2019

Community Learning

This community project helped people to learn conservation skills in open spaces adjacent to the River Crane, such as woodland management, restoration of rivers, etc. Take a look at the report and photo log of people enjoying themselves ! With thanks to our funders Thames Water.
FORCE 2018

Bench Maintenance Project

This project assessed the condition of the hand carved benches in the park given some were 10 years old.  The initial project refurbished the benches in September 2018, and will continue on an annual basis. Bench Maintenance report
FORCE 2018 ongoing
Lower Crane Restoration Project
FORCE is part of the steering group for this exciting project, managed by the Crane Valley Partnership.  A vision to improve the value of the Lower Crane was launched in late 2017.  A feasibility study was commissioned in summer 2018 and is due to report further in spring 2019.  Further details can be seen here
CVP 2017 ongoing
Walks & Talks
Every year FORCE arranges Walks & Talks for everyone along the River Crane, Duke of Northumberland River and Crane Valley.  The free walks cover many topics: birds, trees, river life, local history, bats. The 20172018, 2019 reports attendance, popularity and successes. No report was prepared in 2020 as Covid regulations stopped most events.
FORCE 2017 ongoing
Community Learning Project
This project built on previous environmental improvement and community engagement projects which FORCE and partners have delivered in the green spaces along the River Crane. Heathrow Community Funding enabled a programme of education with local schools, community learning of traditional conservation skills, walks and talks, plus an additional Green Gym in the London Borough of Richmond 2017. 
Mill Road Interpretation

FORCE worked with TCV and Richmond Council to open up land at Mill Road, which with a neighbouring estate was once a working mill, home to an exiled king, and a 17thC military hospital. Archaeological survey and historical images help explain the modern environmental significance. Our thanks to London Community Foundation and Richmond Civic Trust for funding. Take a walk along Mill Road to see !

Trafalgar Junior School developed an exhibition 'The Mystery Mill' at Twickenham Musuem. 

FORCE 2015 / 2016
Duke's River Project

In 2014 local people successfully voted in the Mayor of London's Big Green Fund II enabling £157,500 funds for the Duke of Northumberland River, as reported in July 2015. A further £450k has been allocated, largely through council S106 funds.  Thames Water is supporting improvements along the river through Mogden STW.  

There have been improvements to the environmental and community value along the river, providing improved pathways, new mapping and signage, the removal of around 20 tonnes of rubbish, marginal vegetation and habitat improvements. More details, plus a map are on the CVP website. We often have walks along the route, come and join us !

GLA, CVP, ZSL, FORCE 2015 ongoing
Crane Wetlands Project This map summarises river improvements carried out (or planned) by the Crane Valley Partnership. These include river margin improvements, de-culverting proposals for small upstream channels and the re-connection of meanders; plus proposals to improve the lower 2500m of the river, within a concrete channel. CVP April 2015
Balsam Bash Himalayan Balsam is an invasive species populating the banks of the River Crane overcoming native species reducing plant diversity and local fauna.   Annually FORCE link with other organisations to remove the balsam. Join us for the Balsam Bash, a fun day out.  The balsam is so easy to pull out we can achieve a lot very quickly ! Co-ordinated by Crane Valley Partnership Annual