FORCE has a record of undertaking surveys both directly or with partners to ascertain the status of wildlife in the River Crane. Some surveys are driven directly by incidents such as the catastrophic water pollution in 2011. Others are driven by a wish to understand the quality and quantity of the wildife in the river environment e.g. bats, small mammals, etc which help FORCE to understand the impact of urban traits in the catchment area. Some of these reports are commissioned directly by FORCE whereas others have been prepared by partners or are in the public domain.

Wildlife Reports
Fungo along River Crane Eleanor Lawrence

Oct 2024

We had a super walk on Crane Park Island and found 20 different fungi. Take a look at what we found.  (Photogrpahs will be added next month)

Birds in Lower Crane valley Keith Martin

Feb 2025

Two bird walks are held annually in the Lower Crane, kindly led by expert Keith Martin. Over 40 birds have been identified since 2022 - check out the list of the birds we saw or heard !

Fungi along River Crane Dominic Mitchell

Oct 2023

2023 was a wet year - good for fungi ! Umpteen fine fungi were located during a walk in Crane Park & the Island Nature Reserve. Thanks to Eleanor Lawrence & Janet for identifying the fungi, and Dominic Mitchel for the Fungi Posters.

Donkey Wood Bat Monitoring  London Bat Group Nov 2021

An automatic bat recorder installed for 39 days over four months at 4 locations in Donkey Wood, recorded thousands of individual records from 7 species : Nathusius’, soprano and common pipistrelle; Daubenton’s bat; Leisler’s bat; brown long-eared bat; and noctule. This was supported by a grant from Rivers and Wetlands Community Days. Read the excellent report

Lower Crane Bat Monitoring Bat Conservation Trust 2020

FORCE installed a bat detector on the lower River Crane corridor in Twickenham and local to Kneller Gardens in July & August - October 2020. Philip Briggs, Maisy Inston & Parvathy Venugopal of the Bat Conservation Trust  summarised results and the implications of the species.

Invertebrate Surveys of the River Crane  As noted 2010 - 2020

Surveys of invertebrates in Crane Park 2010 to 2020 in three meadow areas has helped FORCE, as collated into these spreadsheets :

2010 lower River Crane author Richard A. Jones

2016 in Mill Road Meadow author Richard A. Jones

2017 in Mill Road & Willow Way Meadows author Richard A. Jones

2020 Mill Road, Willow Way & Fulwell Park Meadows authors Mick Massie, Stuart Cole, Linda Pryke

Herts & Middlesex Butterflies 2019 Butterfly Conservation Feb 2020

Over 30 butterflies were seen in Middlesex & Herts in 2019, some rare. This excellent report includes images and details. For the latest butterfly news in your area, look at their website 

Bat Species along the River Crane Philip Briggs August 2019

A FORCE Walk and Talk on 28 August was lucky to sight and hear several species of bat along the River Crane.  Philip Briggs of the London Bat Group identified these for us, including 90 passes of the Soprano pipistrelle.

The Lower Crane : A brief habitat Appraisal Salix Ecology July 2019

This report summarises the botanical character of meadows in Crane Park: Mill Road, Fulwell Park and Willow Way; an ongoing programme of meadow management with LB Richmond, TCV and Operation Centaur. 2019 funding was through Heathrow Community Fund and Richmond Civic Pride.

How Healthy are Our Rivers The Rivers Trust Jan 2019

Only 14% of rivers in England are considered Good Ecological Status within the Water Framework Directive. The Environment Agency has reports & data map to show the issues and sectors having an impact. Take to look at the health of the River Crane and DNR

Tidal Crane Fish Report Rob Gray Sept 2018 Latest report on the nature and value of the fish habitat along the tidal Crane
Survey of Small mammals Alison Fure Aug 2018

Raw data from a 2018 survey of small mammals in the Mill Road area of Crane Park

Crane Park Fungi Foray Andy Overall Oct 2017 Fungi species found in Crane Park during our autumn Fungi Foray.
Pollution Report Citizen Crane Project Mar 2017 A significant pollution incident in January & February 2017 in the River Crane was identified by the Citizen Scientists of the Citizen Crane Project team.
DNR, Mogden & Isleworth Ait Bat Report Alison Fure Nov 2016 Bat survey and report on the Duke of Northumberland's River (DNR), Mogden-Isleworth Ait
Fungus Foray - Crane Park FORCE Oct 2016 Report on Fungi found and identified in Crane Park by a group on a Community Learning walk led by Andy Overall, London Fungus Group.
DNR Water vole survey maps FOA Ecology Jun 2016 Oct 2015 Mapped results from water vole surveys along the Duke's River near the RFU stadium from June 2016 and October 2015.
Hertfordshire and North London Fisheries Monitoring summary 2015 Environment Agency Jan 2016 A report on the fish monitoring in Herts and North London river catchment areas, including data on the River Crane (starting page 102).
Crane Catchment Water Pollution Incident Newsletter Environment Agency Oct 2015 A summary of the 28 water pollution incidents in the Crane catchement area from Sept 2014 to 2015.
Wildlife surveys proximity of Duke of Northumberland River FAO Ecology Oct 2015 Signs of water voles were identified along the DNR near to the Stoop. Another survey of The Stoop near the DNR looked into badger activity.
Crane Catchment Water Pollution Incident Newsletter Environment Agency Oct 2015 summary of the water pollution incidents from 14 Sept 2014 to 13 Sept 2015 in the Crane Catchment.
Duke's River Bat Report Alison Fure Sept 2015 Bat report for the river between Kneller Gardens and Whitton Dene
GLA questionnaire of the environmental impacts of urban growth FORCE Sept 2015 Report from FORCE to GLA.
Woodland Archaeology of the lower Crane CMA April 2015 Report commissioned by FORCE as part of the Big Green Fund project
Crane Fish and Fishing KJB – a fisherman 2014 A personal account of 30 years fishing the River Crane
Fungus Foray - Crane Park FORCE Oct 2014 Report on Fungi found and identified in Crane Park by a group led by Andy Overall, London Fungus Group.
River Crane Bat Report Alison Fure Sept 2014 Bat survey and report for the river in Heatham Estate Twickenham
Water Quality for the River Crane FORCE April 2013 Report on water quality and ecology produced by FORCE and submitted as part of the 2014 court case. Report presented to FORCE AGM in 2013 regarding the pollution incident which occurred in 2011.
Crane fish carcass count Environment Agency 2011 Raw data from the October 2011 fish kill.  The count includes around half the carcasses collected following the event
Ecology of the former post office sorting site in Twickenham The Ecology Consultancy 2010 Report produced as part of the sale package for the Post Office Sorting office.
Invertebrates of Crane Park Richard A Jones Oct 2010 Preliminary Invertebrates Survey in Crane Park, accompanying Sketch Map
Birds of the Lower Crane Corridor FORCE 2003 A report of birds noted in the Lower River Crane Corridor by Keith Martin, with some input form local observers and partners. Likewise a statement of the birds observed at Mereway Nature Reserve (previously allotments).
Plants of the Lower Crane Valley



A report prepared by Chris Hill of the plants on Mereway Nature Park, the Rifie Club and the DNR.